What to do after being accepted to a new job ?
After a round of interviews, you received an accepting E-mail. That moment of being excited for new beginnings, especially if it took you weeks or months to get that offer. Congratulations! Now, what’s next? Whatever how much time you have before starting your new position, you should know how to handle it. Even this period […]
5 Steps makes your company attractive for IT talents
Every organization has a success story with an enormous team behind it. That’s why “TEAM” is the keyword of any successful corporate, But what kind of teams? Here, every corporate tries to win the best talents in its team. Actually, hiring a talented IT team requires more than a job advert. Every corporate needs to […]
4 Challenges your company will face in the “Tech Hiring” process.
Any organization faces a ton of challenges through its success story. When it comes to building your team, this will be the most vital step in your story. It’s always starting from choosing the right kind of employees that can match the requirements, values, and culture of the corporate. For the IT recruitment process, it […]
How to be more productive at work?
“How to be a productive person” is the monster question that runs in your dreams every night. Before blaming yourself for not being productive enough, you need to define your own productivity. The main factor that affects your productivity in the short or long term is individual differences. Firstly, you need to determine your productivity […]
7 Reasons why you will prefer a “Recruitment Agency”
There is a basic rule in business life that is new issues need new solutions. Now, the current job market faces new challenges in hiring talented tech candidates, especially in high-demand job roles like information security, IT digital transformation, and Cloud Solution. This is what prompted many companies to rely on recruitment agencies. Over 90% […]